domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017


It seemed everything real was over, anything else would follow them as long as they lived. 
Screams pierced the walls closed upon the two men, war was still fought beyond the stone.
The door closed behind them. One of them stood as the other sat in the bed. No. He didn’t sat, he let himself fall, mostly unaware of his body.
-Why did you not kill him?
- Why, you ask.
-He betrayed you. He killed them all for his Cause, exploded the building with hundreds of people inside. He involved you in his madness, he knew She was going to held you responsible no matter what, only for what you are: someone convenient.  He knew you were going to blame yourself because you let him live back then, when he was little danger and…
- I know. That’s why he asked me to end his life.
- He loved you, maybe he still does.
- So do you.
- Yes, but I wouldn’t let you carry with the weight of a massacre I made… I’d, at least, share the blame. – he added, with a small and self-confident smile. – I wouldn’t abuse your love and trust like that.
- Thanks. – he said, meaning it from the heart, and then considering how little it mattered to him the moral implications of that indirect pact.
- I guess I let him go because he was my friend, after all. – he continued, sobbing his dry hands.
- Why? – he asked, almost desperate.
- Because I understand. I understand his Cause, and theirs too… And I understand your hatred and your love and your change and-
- Comprehension is no excuse for-
- What? Murder?  - he interrupted, his throat tight, mocking.
The other man opened his mouth to speak but then closed it, he had a point.
- I know it´s no excuse. But, fuck, morality is such a flexible thing, and I have that too damn present.
- I´m sorry… - and then he moved closer to lock the man in his arms.
They hugged. They breathed each other’s necks and waited for the symbiosis to end.
- I mean… - he said, conflicted, breaking the embrace.
The ones standing sat beside the absent one. He didn’t look at him.

He looked at his hands, red with the blood of so many lives he had to end to keep his, then he turned to the other’s and intertwined their fingers. They were as stained as his own.
- What I’m trying to say… - he lost his voice in that red.
The other man held his eyes in place for a moment, knowing that this wasn’t a response for his question, but this was him trying to explain his actions to himself, and he was willing to listen to those words that weren’t meant for him, as he had listen to him so many times between harsh words or soft blankets.
- I do want his change. – he confessed. – I do want the freedom he speaks of. I do want that, even if I understand his desperation and his action, even if I don’t agree or approve his methods… I guess I admired him, that passion, that something I have never had. I only have that feeling, that instinct of survival ant the desire to protect those I love, besides that I have nothing but that emptiness…
He looked him in the eye and caressed his cheek, scrapping dry blood and thoughts away.
- I do understand that. – he said with tenderness in his voice. *– Is yours the curse of understanding?
- I couldn’t think of a better curse for me.
They both chuckled, sharing crooked smiles.*
Silence fell. None of them dared to do something more than try to feel the warm of their hands together, they didn’t even kiss. They were too numb to feel, to push away the emptiness after the massacre, blood and desperation, to keep pushing to survive.
- And what now?
He looked at him, not afraid to show him his naked, raw fears.
- We go somewhere I don’t have to be a moral hero.
- You will never be mine. – the other said, only seriousness in his deep voice.
Then he jumped into him, hugging him close.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you… - he breathed in his neck, over and over again.
Honest, small and grateful words sank into loving ears.

They hugged and waited for the darkness that would take theirs steps away as they would walk to their small group of friends – accomplices? fugitives? tonight there was no difference – with the promise to hopefully slip away from history.
Escrito en 2016

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I feel bitter I feel like a dirty old rag that only bickers I should get that whiskey to feel as shitty as I deserve