domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017


I woke up in the middle of the night to the most thrilling sound I’ve ever heard. The noise of cracking bones went down my spine and got me out of the bed, without knowing what was going on.
            The floor was moving below my feet and the celling threatening to collapse on my head, burying me underneath my fears.
            What is going on? Is this the end of the world? Is hell rising to turn Earth into boiling lands?
            The street lights at the window shut down, leaving my room pitch black as I stopped breathing in panic. My world shook down.

            Then it stopped, the infernal movement of the floor and the walls, of the bed and everything surrounding me; leaving me only with the beat of my heart racing down to break my chest.

Escrito en 2014

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I feel bitter I feel like a dirty old rag that only bickers I should get that whiskey to feel as shitty as I deserve